JFire is an ERP and CRM system, which has been published in January 2006 under the conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Therefore, it is Free Software and everyone can redistribute it, modify it and use it free of charge.
The system has been written entirely in Java and is based on the technologies JavaEE 1.4 (formerly J2EE), JDO 2, Eclipse RCP 3. Hence, both client and server can easily be extended and it requires only a relatively low effort to customize it for specific sectors or companies.
Currently, JFire is still in the beta status of development, but it already provides modules for user and access rights control, accounting, store management, direct online trade with other companies or end-customers (e.g. via a web shop), an editor for 2-dimensional graphics and other useful plugins. A reporting module which is based on BIRT allows for the editing and rendering of reports, statistics and similar documents (e.g. invoices).
Even though the main goal of the project is to serve as a robust and flexible framework and thus to ease the implementation of sector-specific applications, it contains modules for the out-of-the-box usage in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Homepage: http://www.jfire.org